Free French Resources to support school closures

Dear Parents,

Here are some fun French activities that are free. Have fun!!!

Plan your day with Le Camp TFO en famille on the Idéllo website

What is Le Camp TFO en Famille?

- It is an initiative implemented to support parents during this time spent at home with their family. It gives them tools to help plan their days with kids. Good news: you now have a free access to TFO's platform, IDELLO.ORGBOUKILI.CA and the TFO TV channel are other available tools.


Subscribe to IDÉLLO for free to discover everyday a new selection of educational activities to do with your children between two and seventeen. You can also browse among 10 000 educational resources including thematic folders, games, and videos to support your kids' learning. If you have any questions, you can reach the IDÉLLO team by calling the toll-free number 1 844 4 IDÉLLO (1-844-443-3556).
Idello can also be found in your child's student portal!!


By downloading the Boukili application, you will make young children between four and eight fall in love with reading. This virtual library gives you access to over a hundred original digital books in French, to help them learn how to read.
** See up above!! For link***


The family educational channel TFO is free for all Ontario residents. It offers a selection of educational shows that will captivate your children. Take a look at the TFO channel schedule and make Bitz et Bob, Zou, Minivers or FLIP, l'Algorithme a part of your day. For more information on how to watch the channel, visit the How To Get TFO section on our website